
About me

The Stephen Levin story


I’m described as lighthearted, caring and funny by friends; innovative, dynamic and inclusive by employers; and “the best guy in the world” by my mom. I like taking existing systems or products and making them more usable, accessible and engaging. With over 6 years as a UX strategist, researcher, and designer, I’ve made a real world impact in my government contracting work with products like the HEALing Community Study and the Sexual Assault Kit Initiative (SAKI). I’ve also taken on additional lead roles including creating and implementing a company wide up-skilling program, and co-chairing our Accessibility Employee Resources Group.

When I’m not working, you can find me walking around town or in the woods with my partner and our corgi Esther, reading the latest news and ux headlines on social media, or dungeon mastering a weekly D&D game.

If you feel like I would be a good match for your company, please feel free to reach out to me via email or download my resume.

Thanks for visiting!